To Get Your Customised Gym Cancelation Letter -


1. Email Us The Details for the Gym Cancellaion Letter

The Information we need emailed to is:
Name of patient
Patient address
Male or female
Date of birth
Date of letter

Doctors name and address
Injury, amount of time off gym

2. You will shortly receive an email from us, confirming your order, and we'll ask you for any missing information;  this email will also contain details on how to pay us.

3. If you're happy to proceed, please pay the £39.99 fee (payment instructions will be in your email).

4. Once you've paid - we'll process your order
5. You will get a draft by email for approval/revision before we print and mail your letter.
6. Once you approve the letter will be mailed to you the same or next day. (We can also email you a scan if urgent)

Note: Please use the same email address throughout the process (i.e. in the when emailing us the details for the gym cancellation letter, and when making payment)

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